Jane Rose - Business Unit Manager
Lisa Gardner - Development Officer
Lisa has been with the Business Unit since 2021. She has lead responsibility for Anti-Social Behaviour Case Reviews and supporting the strategic priority groups. She is also the Lead Officer on a number of the Adult Safeguarding reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Her back ground is Children’s safeguarding having previously worked within Residential care and then as a trainer for Foster carers and other social care staff.
Lisa is the team joker, always available to put a smile on peoples faces when needed. She has a passion for making a difference, this makes her tenacious and determined to improve outcomes for Children, Adults with care and support needs and the Community of Shropshire.
Lisa Charles - Development Officer
Lisa has worked with the SSCP since it’s inception in 2019 and previously worked for the Shropshire Safeguarding Children’s Board since 2009. Lisa also has previous experience of working in a national role for the Child Protection in Sport Unit for the NSPCC.
Lisa is the Lead Development Officer for the Children's Safeguarding Practice Oversight and Children's Case Review system groups as well as the lead officer for a number of Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. Lisa also supports the Partnership Dataset and is the lead officer for policies and procedures.
Lisa is passionate about learning and identifying improvement actions across the Partnership to ensure that vulnerable people are safeguarded from harm.
Corinne Chidley - Learning & Development Co-Ordinator
Corinne Chidley is the Learning and Development Coordinator for Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership. Her role is varied and includes working with a range of agencies to make sure that the safeguarding learning and development programme for those that work and volunteer in Shropshire is up to date and relevant.
The aim of training delivery is that it is practical, and knowledge gained and skills learnt are transferable into everyday safeguarding practice.
Ben Leach - Business Unit Administrator
Ben joined the Business Unit in October 2019 and is responsible maintaining the SSCP website and administrating the Children's Safeguarding Partnership, the Children's Case Review System Group, Shropshire Channel Panel and the Strategic Governing Group.
Sarah Chidlow - Business Unit Administrator
Sarah is one of the Business Administrators within the Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership Business Unit and has worked for the team for over 6 years.
Sarah is the lead administrator for Safeguarding Adult Reviews. She is also the main administrator for the Adult's Practice Oversight and Adult Case Review System Groups.
Sarah also supports the other administrators with finance and multi-agency case file audits.
Giverny O'Brine - Business Unit Administrator
Giverny joined the SSCP Business Unit in March 2021, and is the primary administrator for the Community Safety Practice Oversight System Group. She also manages the administration of Anti-Social Behaviour Case Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.