We are pleased to promote an exciting resource for professionals that will help them better involve adults (and/or their family, friends or advocates) when they're undertaking Safeguarding Enquiries.
The aim of a safeguarding enquiry is for the person who is at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect to have explained and be involved in a conversation about:
- What has happened to them
- How they want to be kept safe
- What will happen to a person or organisation that has abused them and
- How they're going to be helped to recover from what has happened
The talking about adult safeguarding; “My Enquiry and Safety Plan” cards were created by the Joint Training and Adult Safeguarding Teams at Shropshire Council and Shropshire Partners in Care. They worked alongside people who use services to produce these cards; in particular with Taking Part, Morris Care, Positive Steps and Bethphage.
The cards are designed to enable structured conversations between people undertaking Safeguarding Enquiries and the people they support (along with their family, friends or advocates) to:
- Understand the information gathered
- Give their views about the situation
- Create their own safety plan
Using the cards helps organisations work to the statutory principles of adult safeguarding and provides useful reminders such as ‘think conversation not interview’ and ‘is there anything you can do to keep yourself safe’.
The cards can be purchased for £24.99 per pack + £3.90 postage and packing for up to 6 packs from JointTraining@Shropshire.gov.uk
Joint Training, Shirehall West Wing, Abbey Forgate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND.
Tel.01743 254731
Think Conversation, Not Interview!