The Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse are working with the Regional Safeguarding Procedures Group to support the embedding of their Child Sexual Abuse Response Pathway into our children’s safeguarding procedures. The Child Sexual Abuse Response Pathway has been developed to strengthen local safeguarding partners’ ability to identify child sexual abuse and to meet the needs of children and families, with a focus on supporting all partners to make child-focused decisions.
To enable this project to have the impact we would like and ensure a wide reach across our multi-agency workforce the Centre of Expertise have provided a list of free webinars and training for professionals who work with children in Shropshire and the West Midlands. Please ensure that this training information is made available to all relevant staff and that they are encouraged to attend so that we can ensure effective implementation of the Child Sexual Abuse Pathway in Shropshire once it goes live.
You can find the dates and further detail on the training by following this link