There are a lot of reasons why young people run away from home. You might be having problems at home or at school, or you may even be getting hurt or harmed in some way. It can feel like you've got no one to talk to, and that running away is the only option. That is not true. There are lots of people who can help. Have a look at the different places that can give you support. You're not alone.
Remember: if you're in any danger or feel unsafe, get in contact with the police immediately on 999, or if you're a child or young person, talk to an adult you trust.
This information was provided by Missing Kids UK.
Watch 'My Choice', which follows the story of a girl who runs away from home.
You can find the Shropshire Missing pathways and tools here
Children missing from care, home and education guidance
You can find guidance on the Philomena Protocol by following this link. If you require the Philomena Protocol referral form you can find that here.