Advocacy is about speaking up for children and young people and ensuring their views and wishes are heard and acted on by decision makers. It should be independent, confidential and provide as a minimum information, advice, representation and support to young people.
In Shropshire the advocacy service is provided by Coram Voice (an independent national charity).
An advocate can help you with saying the things you need to say to those who make decisions about you, help you understand your rights and help you with a complaint if you're unhappy with the services you receive.
If you wish to speak to an advocate you can call the helpline 0808 800 5792 or talk to your IRO, social worker or carer to help you make contact with the advocacy service. Helpline advocates work with young people to attempt to address any issues quickly by phone. If this isn't possible and face to face advocacy is required this will be arranged, for example if you want support at a meeting such as your LAC review. On receipt of a referral, an advocate will contact the young person (wherever appropriate) to advise of the service and confirm that they'd like advocacy help
All advocates have a background in childcare and child-related professions and hold a variety of professional qualifications, including social work, teaching, law and psychology. They have all completed the ‘Being A Voice’ four-day advocacy training.
There is additional information available from NICE - the Advocacy services for adults with health and social care needs
This guideline covers advocacy for people using health and social care services in all adult settings (including young people under 18 using adult services). It describes how to commission and deliver effective advocacy, as well as identifying who should be offered advocacy (including who is legally entitled to it). It also covers monitoring and improving advocacy services, and training and skills for advocates and practitioners.
Please also see the website for the West Midlands Regional Children and Young People Sexual Assault Service for further information.
The West Midlands Regional
Children and Young People Sexual Assault Service
Who is it for?
- Commissioners and providers of health and social care services, and of advocacy services
- Integrated Care Boards
- Health and Wellbeing Boards
- Safeguarding Adults Boards
- Health and social care practitioners who work with advocates
- Advocates, including peer advocates, citizen advocates and professional advocates
- Training providers
- People using health or social care services, their families and carers and the public