These Multi-agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA) have been produced by the Lead Safeguarding Partners as identified within ‘Working Together 2023’ and clearly set out the arrangements to ensure we work effectively together to safeguard children.
Strong, joined-up leadership and clear accountability is critical to effective multi-agency safeguarding. This begins with our Lead Safeguarding Partners from Shropshire Council, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care Board and West Mercia Police. Our Lead Safeguarding Partners have responsibility for setting the strategic direction, vision and culture for our partnership.
To support them in their functions, the Lead Safeguarding Partners will meet twice yearly as a combined Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin forum in recognition of the shared geographic footprint for both ICB and West Mercia Police. The Delegated Safeguarding Partners and Independent Scrutineers will also attend this meeting to ensure strong links within the leadership structure and as an opportunity to escalate risks and issues as required.
The DSPs are:
- Director of People, Shropshire Council;
- Chief Nursing Officer, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICB;
- Local Commander Shropshire, West Mercia Police.
The DSPs will have oversight of quality and delivery against our shared priorities and have processes in place to provide assurance that multi-agency practice is reviewed and operating well and in line with these arrangements.
The DSPs will also ensure that:
- there is close partnership working with education and other relevant agencies to allow better identification and response to harm
- there are effective information and data sharing arrangements between agencies
- rapid reviews local child safeguarding practice reviews are completed in a timely manner and to a high standard
- appropriate multi-agency safeguarding training is provided
- feedback from children and families is being sought and responded to so children from different communities and groups can access the help and protection they need
The Shropshire Safeguarding Children Partnership model is governed by the following structure:
At all levels, meetings will only be quorate when all the statutory safeguarding partner agencies are represented:
- Shropshire Council
- Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin ICB;
- West Mercia Police.
Relevant agencies must send representation and non-attendees (without valid reason) will be reported to their agency’s line manager. The three Statutory Safeguarding Partner representatives must be part of any key actions and decision-making.
The Education Strategic Partnership and the Early Help Partnership Board report to the Safeguarding Children Partnership. Shropshire also has two standing groups and utilises time limited Task and Finish Groups to progress activity.
- Children's Case Review Group meets monthly to review local learning identified from case reviews and also arranges Rapid Review and Serious Incident Review meetings when required. Chaired by ICB.
- Tackling Exploitation Group meets bi-monthly to alleviate and minimise the risks and impact associated with all types of exploitation of children and young people. Chaired by West Mercia Police.
The Safeguarding Children Partnership retains a close structural relationship with the Safeguarding Adults Board and Community Safety Partnership.