What is a MARAC?
The MARAC, which stands for Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference, is a meeting between representatives from different organisations in Shropshire to discuss the safety, health and wellbeing of people experiencing domestic abuse and violence, and to provide a safety plan for them and their children.
Who is referred in to MARAC?
At the meetings, which are currently held once a month in Shrewsbury, information is shared between local agencies about high risk domestic abuse victims, and therefore those at the most risk of serious harm. Each domestic abuse case reported is assessed to decide the level of risk. The risk factors can include whether the abuse has been physical, mental, emotional or sexual. The risk factors can also include previous behaviour or convictions, threats to kill and the involvement of drugs or alcohol.
Why have a MARAC?
The MARAC is a coordinated response to domestic abuse where professionals share information, obtain a clearer picture and are then able to provide the right help to make the victim and children safer and reduce the risk of further abuse.
Who attends MARAC?
A number of different organisations attend MARAC regularly:
- West Mercia Police (Chair): Domestic Abuse Unit (DAU) and Local Policing Team
- Domestic Abuse support organisations: Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service and West Mercia Women’s Aid (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor, IDVA).
- National Probation Service & West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company
- Shropshire Council: Housing Options Team, Adult and Children’s Services
- Housing Associations
- Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals NHS Trust (including maternity services)
- Shropshire Community Health Trust (including health visiting services)
- Community Mental Health Team (Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation TrustMPFT)
- Community Substance Misuse Team (Shropshire Recovery Partnership SRP)
All information shared and discussed at the MARAC meetings is confidential. Every organisation who attends these multi-agency conferences is required to sign a confidentiality agreement