The Shropshire's Safeguarding Children Partnership is committed to ensuring that there are multi-agency procedures in place which apply across Shropshire. The aim of the multi-agency procedures is to ensure that people and organisations from the independent, voluntary or public sector; who have contact with children, young people and their families with care and support needs are able to effectively and collaboratively prevent and protect children and young people from abuse or neglect by:
- understanding their own roles and responsibilities and;
- having sufficient practical and legal guidance.
All organisations who work with children, young people and their families and are members of the Shropshire Safeguarding Children's Network have a statutory duty to protect children and young people as prescribed in Children Act 2004 and outlined in Working Together to Safeguard Children
When you click on the link to the Regional Child Protection Procedures please select Shropshire from the option at the top of the page which asks you to select a Partnership or the drop down arrow to the left of the screen. Give it time to upload, click on contents and you will see the information and guidance which relates to Shropshire.