The Keeping Adults Safe in Shropshire Network (formally the Board) agreed to produce a Know Your Rights guide and toolkit to encourage organisations in Shropshire to start a conversation with:
- adults who use their services,
- family members,
- the workforce and volunteers.
We want these groups to be able to understand the rights of adults who use services and more importantly be enabled to uphold and challenge organisations when they do not feel they are being respected.
We hope you use the information contained in the links to the right of this page to think about how you and your organisations can help the groups above to understand and promote the rights of adults who use services.
This piece of work could not have been completed without the help of members of our Citizen Engagement Sub Group and Know Your Rights Task and Finish Group. Particular thanks goes to:
The Student Union Board at Derwen College
The Shropshire Patient Group
Healthwatch Enter and View Volunteers
Learners on the Safeguarding Adults Awareness Course run by Shropshire Partners in Care and Joint Training.