Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is about putting the adult at the centre from the beginning to the end of every safeguarding concern. MSP is having a conversation led by the adult or their representative to find out what happened and what outcomes they want.
To Make Safeguarding Personal you will:
- If safe, share your concerns about abuse and neglect with the adult, ask what they want to change – agree who raises the safeguarding concern.
- Discuss risk and what needs to be done to make them safer now.
- Ask who they want to be told or seek the views of family or friends if they lack capacity to decide that.
- If they haven’t got support and have substantial difficulty taking part in safeguarding think about an advocate
- Keep the adult involved – it’s their life.
Adult Safeguarding means protecting an adults rights to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Its people and teams working together to prevent abuse or stop it when it’s happening. You can achieve this by following the six safeguarding principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work.
- Empowerment: people being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and give informed consent
- Prevention: it is better to take action before harm occurs
- Proportionality: the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented
- Protection: support and representation for those in greatest need
- Partnership: working with communities who have a part to play in preventing, detecting & reporting neglect and abuse
- Accountability: accountability and transparency in safeguarding practice
A specially designed card for people who work with adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect is available in PDF format to print.