This guidance replaces the previous Guidance on Risk Assessment and Management. It is for all front-line staff and managers working with adults including those with care and support needs in Shropshire.
The guidance clarifies how to apply the key principles of working with risk in a way which promotes an adult’s individual well being and ability to work positively with risk, in order to prevent the risk or experience of abuse or neglect. It also provides multi-agency tools and templates to enable agencies to work together with the adult to assess and manage the identified risks and promote strengths.
It is imperative that all agencies work with adults and each other to try and prevent an adult’s circumstances from getting to a point where it is deemed that safeguarding processes or a type of enforcement action are necessary to protect them. Even when safeguarding processes are initiated to protect an adult; the aim of these are to reduce the risk to the adult to the extent that safeguarding measures are no longer required.